Today is a day where I've been doing a lot of thinking. Last night was the end of our 11 week Bible study series so now I'm reflecting on what I learned. We did the study "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore. It was an excellent series and it really makes you look inside yourself and find the areas that you are being held captive. It was really good to learn the different kinds of bondage. Things that seem so innocent are not always that way. They can be areas that the enemy is holding you captive but has deceived you into believing his lies. One of the greatest truths that really hit me hard is this: Anything that is keeing you from God is bondage. Nothing should come between you and him. Not your husband, not kids, not church, nothing. When you put God first, everything else falls into place. That's something that I'm really seeing with new eyes now. I'm watching my relationships with my husband and my kids change for the better everyday when I put God first. Things that you think can't get any better, really can! Areas that could definitely change, do! It is so amazing and awesome to be at God's side every day and to feel his presence! It is great knowing that he is being glorified in all things. I really encourage everyone to do this study if you have the opportunity. Even if your not in bondage, do it anyway. It's awesome what you can learn!
May you be blessed today!
* Andrea *
May you be blessed today!
* Andrea *