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Showing posts from March, 2011

Good Things

   "He gave himself for us to set us free from every sin and to cleanse us so that we can be his special people who are enthusiastic about doing good things". Titus 2:14   Those are the words from this mornings devotions that really struck out at me. Read them over a few times. Break them down. Doesn't that make you feel amazing? And special? So much love in that sentence. Love that only Jesus could have for us. So let's return that love. Let's get enthusiastic about doing good things and then let's do good things. We have been cleansed, were free, and were his special people. Let's act like it. I have been reading in other blog posts lately about sponsor children who don't receive letters from their sponsors. That breaks my heart. I have read of children who have NEVER received a letter but yet 3 times a year they are expected to write one back. What do you write to someone who you have never heard from? You only know their name and nothin...

Small Things Count

 So, last night I went for coffee with a wonderful woman that I met through my church. We had a great time! She borrowed me a book called "Diapers, Pacifiers, And Other Holy Things" by Lorraine Pintus. I have only read a small portion of it but it is a really good book for women, especially mothers who feel: too busy for God but want a relationship with him, taken for granted, invaluable, or who just need a bit more inspiration.   Today I was reading about how the small things that you do for people really do count. You know, bringing someone supper when their sick, a wave to a stranger, a smile to the cashier who is having a rough day, all these things that are so easy (and painless) to do. She says that " God entrusts you with little things to teach you faithfulness in big things. Also, God wants you to see that each little thing you do can have eternal impact". Really? How? Show me. Then she goes on to say that each little thing that we do for othe...

Tuesdays Thoughts

     Today has been a fairly productive day so far! I'm very excited about that. I have 5 kids in my home to take care of today and I've written letters to my sponsor boys, vacuumed my floors, cleaned up my room, fed all the kids and put 2 down for naps while the other 3 have quiet time. All in all, I feel as if I'm right on track with my day. I feel very peaceful today which is amazing because I didn't have a good sleep last night so I expected to be not as happy as usual. I'll admit I was a bit grumpy this morning until I did my devotions. It's so awesome how devotions and a prayer can change you and your day! I just love how God is at work in me when I open myself and let him in.      I was reading a blog post earlier about Honduras and it really made me want to go see my little Alejandro. Oh how I hope that some day we can meet him! His sweet little face on my fridge (and on my blog) makes me think about him often. I also think about him...

Some Encouragement...

  What a nice weekend it was! The weather wasn't too bad either. It could have been a bit warmer but this is Manitoba after all. Spring is always unpredictable here!   I also had a chance to go back to the book fair by myself on Saturday. It was such a good time! I spent 45 minutes there and I only looked at one section! I came home with an armful of books and it only cost me 5 bucks! I didn't know this ahead of time but the last day is always half price day. So lucky for me, every book was half price! That makes shopping (especially when your on a budget) a lot more exciting! I was able to find some neat books for my sponsor boys as well. I found a couple on animals, one on hockey (the great Canadian sport), and one on northern Canada. Now, I just need to figure out which book to send to each boy.    I also found some great christian books for my husband and myself. The one that I'm reading now is called " Witness The Passion" by Richard Exley....

An Interesting Friday...

   Today I really didn't know what to write about so I had not planned on posting anything. However, my day ended up being something to write about.   Today I did NOT have to clean my house!! I was very excited. You see, a couple of days ago I got a call from a lady that I know. She's starting her own cleaning business and needed some people to use as references. In return, she would come spend 3 hours cleaning my house! What a treat! It was wonderful, especially after being busy all week.    Then I put my son down for a nap and a little while later he starts calling for me. So, I go in there and not only has he filled his diaper, he's taken it off and there's poop all over! What a sight! It's all over his bed, his crib, even in his hair! What a crazy guy! So, off to the bath with him and now mommy gets to clean up. I guess that's my payback for not having to do any cleaning this morning. He really doesn't care though cause he LOVES the bath. He loves it so...

The Joy Of Spring

      Ahhh, spring is in the air. Can you feel it? It has finally come to southern Manitoba, with it's wonderful smell and it's promise of something new. I really love spring. I have an extra bounce in my step and a new song in my heart. Even though it's dirty and messy, spring feels so clean. It smells new, fresh and crisp. It makes you want to go outside at every opportunity and just sit and soak up the sun.    This year, winter has felt like it's been here forever. Manitoba winters are always very cold. If the temperature isn't cold, then we have a biting wind chill that chills you to the bone. So when the first signs of spring come, us Manitobans get really excited! We start spring cleaning, we get outside more, we are generally a lot more cheerful too! It's a really fantastic season!     Seeing as how spring is here now, I think it's time I change (or get?) a daily routine. I was reading a blog post the other day on...

Thinking Out Loud

    Today is a day where I've been doing a lot of thinking. Last night was the end of our 11 week Bible study series so now I'm reflecting on what I learned. We did the study "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore. It was an excellent series and it really makes you look inside yourself and find the areas that you are being held captive. It was really good to learn the different kinds of bondage. Things that seem so innocent are not always that way. They can be areas that the enemy is holding you captive but has deceived you into believing his lies. One of the greatest truths that really hit me hard is this: Anything that is keeing you from God is bondage. Nothing should come between you and him. Not your husband, not kids, not church, nothing. When you put God first, everything else falls into place. That's something that I'm really seeing with new eyes now. I'm watching my relationships with my husband and my kids change for ...

How Do We Serve?

What a nice weekend it was. Me and Arielle had a great time shopping on Saturday and just spending time together. Sunday was also really good. We went to church in the morning and just relaxed the rest of the day.       Our pastor had a message that really hit home for me. It was on serving others. He preached out of John 13 : 1-20. That's the text where Jesus washes the disciples feet. In the last hours before he was to be crucified he served his disciples instead of asking them to serve him. How many of us could actually do that? I know I for one couldn't do it. I often think that others should serve me. "I'm tired, I have a headache, I've worked all day." Those are the kinds of thoughts that enter my mind when I am asked to do something I really don't feel like doing.  But that's not the way it should be. We as Christian's, should be looking for ways to serve others no matter what. God doesn't stop serving us just because he is ...


  Well, the weekend is finally here! I hope that we continue to have nice weather. I'm also hoping that I'll get over this cold soon. I've had it for a week now and It's not getting any better yet. But, it is the season so I'll continue to do what I can to get rid of it.    This week has gone by way too fast. I feel like it should be Wednesday but I'm also glad that it's Friday. Tomorrow, I have a girls day planned with my daughter and my friend and her daughter. We are just going to go out and do a bit of shopping maybe, just spend time with our girls. Lately it seems that Arielle needs a bit more time with her mom, so I think it will be good for both of us to spend some quality time together.    I haven't posted much this week because my head cold hasn't let me think. Maybe that's God's way of telling me it's time to slow down, he wants me to spend some time and 'rest' in him..... Have a great weekend! * Andrea *

Hello Pink!

 There has been a lot of 'pink' happening at my house lately. First, my kids both got pink eye, then last week I decided to give my daughter a pink streak in her hair. She was really excited! I know she doesn't look it but she really does like her pink hair. Then on Thursday my 11 month old niece got pink eye, from my house of course! And to top it all off, yesterday she decided to be so generous and pass it onto me. So, I still have my head cold and pink eye as well! I think it's time for 'pink' to go. It's overstayed it's welcome at my place! The pink hair can stay but any pink infections have got to leave!  On another note, everything else has been same old same old. Nothing too exciting. I'm very glad that the snow is melting! Me and my daughter took the dog for a walk yesterday evening. Well, we tried to walk the dog but she was so excited she walked us! Anyway, it was a nice evening for a walk and we had a good time. I hope your all en...

Monday Already?

   Is it Monday already? Wow the weekend went by fast. I was sick with a head cold all weekend (and still am) so we didn't do much. I did, however, get my package sent out to my sponsor boys. I'm trying to send something every 2 weeks. I didn't write a very long letter this time, but I want to remind them that they are special.     People living in poverty often believe the lies that "your not worth it" or "nobody loves you", so us as sponsors need to keep writing so they believe that they are worth something. It's often through those letters from us that their self confidence is built up and they know that they are special. I'm not saying that you should write as often as I. I have a bit more time with being a stay at home mom than a lot of people. But I really believe that you should try to send something once a month or once every two months. It can just be a short note with a bible verse and you telling them you love them and are praying for...

Thankful Thursday

   It seems that these days were always thinking about things that we need or want. So I wanted to dedicate today's post to things that I'm thankful for. Things that I'm thankful for are:  First and foremost I have to say God. Because without his grace, mercy and never-ending love, I would not be who I am today. God is not even close to done working in me but I would like to say that I feel I've changed at least a bit. I am very thankful for my Husband. He is an excellent leader of our home and provider. He is the realist in our home and I'm the dreamer. Without him I'm sure I would have made a million more dumb decisions! I'm not always a clear thinker when I have a great idea so when I ask his advice it's usually NOT what I want to hear but that's a very good thing. He keeps me grounded. I am very thankful that I am married to him! I am very thankful that God saw fit to bless us with two wonderful children. My kids are so full of life and t...

Something To Ponder...

      In case some of you are wondering about the color change on my blog, I'm still deciding which one I like the best. So be prepared for a few changes in the next little while. I'm one of those people that can NEVER make up their mind! You know, the people that you are stuck behind at the drive thru window? The ones that take forever? That's me! I just can't make up my mind. It drives my husband crazy! Anyway, I'm working on it so that my kids hopefully wont turn out the same way.  I should hopefully have my blog the way I want it soon.      Yesterday, I was doing some research about  Rwanda. Seeing as how my correspondent boys are from there I thought I should educate myself. I came across something horrifying. In April 1994 there was a political genocide in Rwanda. You see, two tribes living side by side had happily gotten along until a political rebel group decided to "get rid of" the other group. There were the Huti a...

Our two new boys!

     What a great weekend it's been so far! On Friday evening I went to check my mail and was very excited at what I received! I received the child packets from my two correspondent sponsor boys! Oh how great! Now I can put two lovely new faces on my fridge to remind me about the world that we live in.  Let me introduce you...         Nsengimana   He's from Rwanda, and he's 18 years old. He only lives with his mother because his father is in prison. Oh my heart breaks when I read that. Where he lives, most adults don't work but those that do earn the average of $27.00 A MONTH! I can't get over that, that's nothing in our society. The real blessing is that his sponsorship covers Bible teaching, medical exams, nutritious food, hygiene instruction, recreational activities, opportunities for community service, school fees, scholastic materials, tutoring and domestic supplies. Also, his mother receives...

Thoughts From The Week...

    Wow, is it Friday already? This week has gone so fast! It has been another busy week for me. This has been another week where I've been doing alot of babysitting (which is great) but it sure keeps me busy! Also, my son got pink eye on Tuesday so he wasn't very happy for a couple of days. He seems to be alot better today which I am very thankful for. Arielle (my daughter) is finally over her pink eye but woke up yesterday morning with a "cough" so she says. I don't think it will turn out to be anything.      I did get my Easter package sent out to my sponsor boys. I sent it Monday afternoon, I was hoping to have it out first thing in the morning on Monday but we just didn't get going fast enough. That's OK though. I'm sure they will get it close to Easter even if they don't get it before.    If anyone is looking for a store where they can find some neat stuff to send their sponsor kids, try Dollars...


Hello everyone, I hope you had a great weekend! So, yesterday I went to the mail ( like I have been almost every day) with very high hopes to see if the picture of my sponsor child came. I am very happy to say that yes it finally did!! I was so excited that I stayed parked right in front of the mailbox and checked out the contents. So, here I am with my truck parked right in front of the mailbox reading my mail. I mean, who does that? Apparently me. Especially when you get what you have been waiting for. Of course, as soon as I told my daughter that I had the picture, she wanted to see too. It was a very exciting trip to the mail to say the least! So now, I'm finally able to introduce all of you to our newest addition! Meet  Alejandro He's from Honduras, and he's three years old. Isn't he adorable? Alejandro lives in a very poor community. The average MONTHLY wage is $82.00. Can you imagine? That doesn't even cover our phone bills! Never mind everythin...