This week has been busier than I had planned. I had really hoped to have shared with you my Beth Moore simulcast experience by now, but I have not had much time to think on it.
Today, I will share some of it with you.
She gave us 7 points to think on, learn from and study. I’ll share these points with you and any verses that go with them and also what I have learnt from it. Everyone will learn something different, I’m just sharing with you my thoughts.
# 1. We were created for good company. - We were not created to be by ourselves. We were created to want and need the company of other believers. When we are in the company of other believers, that’s when we will grow in our relationship with Christ even more. We need other believers to encourage and inspire us, to pick us up and hold us accountable for our actions. We need other believers to love us, because we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. 1 Peter 1:22 “Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart.” We also have to remember though that if we want good company, we need to be good company.
# 2. An individual calling can only be fulfilled in a “we” context. – Here it is again. We need to be in the company of other believers, in order for our calling to be fulfilled. We were not called to fulfill our calling on our own, we NEED good company. God has a calling for each person’s life, but it cannot be fulfilled on their own. So we need to change our “I don’t need help” attitude and allow our sisters (and brothers) to help us. It is so awesome to go to Bible study and spend time with a bunch of different ladies who all want the same thing; to encourage each other and grow in their relationship with the Lord. So, Instead of going to Bible study T.C.T.B.B. (too cool to be blessed), let’s go with humble hearts willing to serve our sisters and help them discover God’s calling for their own lives. Let’s be the good company that we need to be, for each other.
So here are 2 points for you for today. I hope that I put it in a way that it makes sense. If you attended the Beth Moore- Living Proof Live simulcast (Sept. 10) and you learnt something different, I’d love for you to share with us!
Have a Wonderful Day!