Lately, I have taken on a few more ‘jobs’ than I’m used to. On top of being a wife, mom, hairdresser, childcare provider, and all the tasks that come with, I also co-teach Sunday school and now I also co-ordinate “Ladies Coffee Time” on Wednesday mornings at my Church.
I LOVE everything that I do. I’m so thankful that I am able to do it. I love being able to serve in my church and out.
I have to wonder though, how to create balance. I still need to make time for my husband and my children.
I can’t forget to see my friends.
Lastly, I can’t forget to connect with you, my faithful readers.
So, this is the next challenge in my life. Making time and spending my time, where it is needed the most, with those that need me the most.
On those trips to the grocery store I won’t be alone anymore. That is valuable time I can spend with my daughter. Teaching her about purchasing the right food for our style of cooking/eating, and teaching her about money as well.
Reading before bed will be a regular nightly occurrence. I can’t just skip a night cause I don’t feel like it. My kids need to spend that time with me and I need to make that time for them. It reminds them how important they are to me.
My house might be a little less tidy than normal (?), because I’ll be hanging out with the kids instead of cleaning up.
So, if you stop by, expect a mess.
My excuse will be…
…I’m Finding Balance.
If you have any tips or ideas for me, I’d love to hear them!