Well, I hope you all enjoyed part 1, cause here’s part 2 for you! I’m just going to dive right in to the next point.
# 3. God NEVER overlooks a single “me” in the bigger “we”. – Isn’t that so great? It really doesn’t matter who you are, what your job is, where you live, how much money you make, God does not overlook anyone. We are all valuable to him and he has a plan for each one of our lives. It sometimes seems though, that he uses the ‘little person’ in a bigger way. Take Luke for example: He was not a disciple, he never witnessed Jesus’s miracles (he was a 2nd generation Christian), yet God used him to write the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. Luke was just another ‘little person’ but he allowed himself to be used by God. He was just an ‘also’ as Beth put it. Here are some verses that mention ‘also’: Luke 12:8, John 10:16, John 14:19, Romans 8:30, Romans 8:32, 1 Corinthians 6:14, Ephesians 1:13, 2 Timothy 2:2, 1 John 1:3, Colossians 3:4 and 2 Timothy 4:7-8.( I was going to type them out for you, but then I thought that it would be better if you would find and read them in your own Bible). After reading these verses, I’m even more encouraged that God can use me. So, if God can use a doctor like Luke to do mighty things, how much more can He use you? Will you allow yourself to be used by Him, even in a small way? Each part that we play, big or small, is part of the ‘big’ plan.
#4. Jesus became a friend of sinners, so that we could become a friend of God. Jesus could have ignored the poor, and sinful. Instead, he chose to draw close to them and offer them the gift that only he could give, the gift of salvation. He showed grace to the sinners, grace that you and I need on a regular basis. Grace that we have to give, if we want to receive it. There are people in this world who choose not to give you grace and enjoy having this power over you. However, we overcome this through the call to love. When we love them and show them our love, they no longer have a hold on us. They lose all power over us because we don’t allow it. We become ‘bigger’ simply by loving them and showing them our love.
I have 3 more points to share with you! I hope to post them soon!