There’s been a lot of talk about New years resolutions lately, so I thought I’d join in and write about it as well. However, I don’t make resolutions, because frankly, I don’t/can’t/won’t keep them. I’m just not good at that. There are people who are, and to you I give lots of credit!
This year, though, I plan to work on and change some things in my life.
I’ll share them with you:
- Study God’s word more in depth. I read my Bible twice a day, but I don’t take the extra time and really study it. I’d like to dig deeper and learn more, sometimes I feel like I’m still ‘hungry’ after reading and I want to take the time to learn how to get ‘full’.
- Spend more time ‘watching’ my kids. I don’t mean caring for them, I do that all the time. What I mean is I want to actually sit back and watch them at play. Get to know their personalities better. What better way to do that than to watch them in action?
- Be a better example. I’m really starting to see how much my kids learn from me. I’ve always known that they learn the most from the one they spend the most time with, but I’m seeing my negative qualities in them and that really saddens me. So, now I need to work on me and my attitude, so that they can learn the ‘good’ from me instead.
- Chill out/relax. I’m by nature a more easily stressed person. I can get frustrated by the smallest things. So, this year, I will work on not letting things get to me and giving them to God, when they do. I need to remember to trust Him with everything and to seek Him in his word when things do upset me.
- Be kinder to those I meet on the street. Usually when I’m out doing my errands I’m so focused on my task, that I don’t take the time to be friendlier. It’s not that I’m in a bad mood, I just want to hurry up and go home. So, I’m going to work on taking the extra couple of seconds it takes to help my ‘neighbour’, whether it is opening the door, giving a smile or a hello, or any other opportunity that comes up.
These are just a few of the things that I’m going to work on for this year of 2012. Did you make resolutions for this year? I’d love to hear about them!
God Bless!
I love hearing more ideas on how to positively influence them, thank you for sharing!