I hope that your week has gone great for you. My week has been very busy once again so I haven’t had much time to think, never mind write a post! However, I have found something for this week’s “words for your weekend” post.
‘Diligence – a persistent and hard-working effort in doing something.’
‘The Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint. We need to keep pressing on even when things get tough. We are called to not let anything get in the way of our spiritual development.’
Philippians 2:13-13 “ Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.”
Being a Christian is not easy. Jesus never said it would be. So, we need to continue to press on and keep our eyes focused heavenward even when things get tough. We must remember though, that it is God who works in us, for His good purpose. We just need to be willing to let Him use us.
I hope that these words help to encourage you in your walk with Christ. I know they have encouraged me.
If ever I can pray for you, please let me know. You can email me at: candle _ andrea @hotmail.com – no spaces.
Have a great weekend!!