So, I did it. I committed myself to assist in teaching Sunday School. I’m so excited! I have never taught Sunday school or any kind of school for that matter, so I will be team teaching with a lady in my church. We will be teaching the grade 6 girls. I can hardly wait to get to know them and to learn from them. This is something that I have done a lot of thinking and praying over for most of the summer and I just wasn’t sure if I could do it. Then my friend suggested team teaching, I thought that was a great idea! Seeing as how I’m not a teacher, I don’t have the confidence or the know how to do it all by myself.
I am very glad for this opportunity to learn from an experienced, godly woman.
I wonder what else God has in store for me? He seems to keep drawing me toward kids. I still don’t know why, I hardly understand my own.
But, I have a great book that is helping me a lot. It’s called “Raising your spirited child” the author is Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
This is an excellent book for parents who’s child is “more intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, and energetic.” I thought I only had 1 of those, but as I keep reading, I realize that I’m blessed with 2! I have been learning a lot about my children and why they do the things that they do. Why they actually can’t sit still, why going to crowded places is a big deal, why change at times can be very difficult for them. My children are not as extreme as some others are, but this book is helping me to understand mine a lot better.
I’m so thankful that my friend recommended it to me.
Now, it’s my turn to recommend it to others. Do you have a child that you just don’t understand? A child that is ‘normal’ but just more? A child that you can’t quite figure out why they say and do (or don’t do) certain things? Then maybe you should check this book out. Who knows, it might be just what you need.
Have you already read this book? How did it help you?
Feel free to share with us.