Yesterday, I received a courtesy call. This was not a typical call that you expect to get when you see a long distance number on your call display. Instead, it was a very pleasant call from Compassion Canada.
They called just to see how things were going. The man on the phone told me that when someone starts a new sponsorship, they call at around the 6-month mark just to see how things are going.
This caught me totally off guard. I did not expect this.
I know that Compassion is an organization that is about building relationships, but I just ‘assumed’ the relationships were only with the children.
I was wrong. Again.
So, he asked me just a couple of easy questions and then the last one he asked me was “why did you choose to sponsor through Compassion?”
Well, let me tell you.
Compassion does it all through the name of Jesus Christ. That was the main reason. But, as I think more on this topic, there is a lot more I can say on this. Compassion is committed to releasing children from poverty, not just sustain them through it. A minimum of 80% of your money goes toward your child, if you give a gift, all of your money goes toward your child. They are honest and keep thorough accounts of every child in the program. If you need to know anything about your child or your sponsorship, they have that info available. They encourage you to build a relationship with your child by writing letters to them. If you have a question or need to contact head office for any reason, they will get back to you.
Compassion also encourages relationships between sponsors. They have a website for us sponsors called “our compassion”. It’s a place for you to meet other sponsors, and share in their sponsorship experiences as well.
Everything that I have read about Compassion has only increased my faith in them and what they are trying to accomplish. It’s a great feeling knowing that I’m sponsoring a child through an organization that has the child’s best interests at heart.
What about you? Do you sponsor a child through Compassion?
Why did you choose Compassion?