I am currently studying the book “Lord, I want to know you” By Kay Arthur with 2 of my friends. This morning as I was studying it, a passage really struck me and I want to share it with you.
“…you have been created for His glory, for His pleasure. Your life is to be lived in such a way as to reflect Him, to show the world the character of God-His love, His peace, His mercy, His gentleness. You are to live for Him, to accomplish His will. To miss this purpose is to miss fulfillment. It is to have existed rather than to have lived.”
Did you notice that the words “me” and “you” are not in that passage? It’s not about us, it never was. It always has and always will be, about Him. Something that our world today has forgotten. We are only here because of Him. We were created for His glory (Isaiah 43:1,3-4,7).
I hope that passage affects you as strongly as it does me.
Have you studied this book before? How did it affect you?