Lately, I have not been able to write up a good post for you to read. It's not for lack of things to say, more so, it's choosing the right words. You see, I have this little problem of not thinking before I speak (or type sometimes) and I have gotten myself into trouble. I have said things that others have found offensive without intending to offend anyone. I have good intentions and it sounds really good in my head, but it comes out all wrong. So, I'm going through a time of learning right now. Learning how to speak, and most importantly, how to listen. I need to start listening to people more, and It's a hard thing to learn when you've always been the first one to speak. I have always been so quick to tell others what I'm feeling or thinking, that I haven't taken the time to show them my love, by listening. I have also been praying lately for a 'heart change'. Just like the outside of my body got a makeover, my heart needs one too. There is al...
Just a mom, sharing what's on her heart.