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Showing posts from January, 2012

Words for your weekend! (3)

I hope that your week has gone great for you. My week has been very busy once again so I haven’t had much time to think, never mind write a post! However, I have found something for this week’s “words for your weekend” post. ‘Diligence – a persistent and hard-working effort in doing something.’                                             ‘The Christian life is a marathon, not a sprint. We need to keep pressing on even when things get tough. We are called to not let anything get in the way of our spiritual development.’ Philippians 2:13-13 “ Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose .” Being a Christian is not easy. Jesus never said it would be. So, we need to continue to p...

Words for your weekend!!

Hello everyone, I hope you all have had a really good week so far! Mine has been on the busy side, so I haven’t gotten to posting as much as I would have liked to. This morning, however, I’m taking some time to get this  post up! This week’s ‘words for your weekend’ post is from the book “Lord, I want to know you” by Kay Arthur. I’m currently doing this study with some friends of mine and this book is a gold mine! There is so much ‘meaty’ stuff in here, I just can’t get enough! I’m going to share with you a few excerpts from Chapter 12  “The Lord Who Sanctifies You.”   "’You can tell by what is foremost in your life, by what you give yourself to! How important is God’s Word? How devoted are you to really learning it so that you can live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God (Deut. 8:3)? Are you spoon-fed, or are you learning to feed yourself? Do you flirt with Christianity, or do you love God with all your heart, all your mind, all your strength? ’ ...

How important are your letters??

Here is a story that I really would like to share with you all. Especially those of you who sponsor a child. When I first read this story, it really impacted me and I decided right then, that I was going to make the effort to write to my child and remind them how very much they are loved.   I feel that everyone should read this story, to get a glimpse of what it is like for those on the other side of our letters.   The Delivery By Caitlin Sanders On the day the delivery truck comes, the children watch closely, following it, prancing around with glee. Some of the children’s eyes light up, knowing that something good is happening today. They press in close to the truck, even reaching out to touch it as it ambles forward. Other children cling to the edges of the fray. Their eyes are not quite lit up, not with the same blazing fire at least. Their eyes light with embers of their daring to hope, but a little afraid to do so, in fear of being disappointed. All of the children,...

Words for Your Weekend!

I have been hearing this song a lot lately, so I thought that I would share it with you all this weekend. I watched a few different versions of this video before deciding on this one. I love how it so clearly shows that every small thing that we do in the name of Christ really does make a difference. Matt hew 25:40 says ”The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me .” Every Christian has a choice to make. What will yours be?   Have a Great Weekend! Andrea

Changes I’m making in 2012

There’s been a lot of talk about New years resolutions lately, so I thought I’d join in and write about it as well.  However, I don’t make resolutions, because frankly, I don’t/can’t/won’t keep them. I’m just not good at that. There are people who are, and to you I give lots of credit! This year, though, I plan to work on and change some things in my life. I’ll share them with you: - Study God’s word more in depth . I read my Bible twice a day, but I don’t take the extra time and really study it. I’d like to dig deeper and learn more, sometimes I feel like I’m still ‘hungry’ after reading and I want to take the time to learn how to get ‘full’. - Spend more time ‘watching’ my kids . I don’t mean caring for them, I do that all the time. What I mean is I want to actually sit back and watch them at play. Get to know their personalities better. What better way to do that than to watch them in action? - Be a better example . I’m really starting to see how much my kids learn from me....

Sending Some Valentines Love!

We have been trying to find time the last few days to make valentines cards to send to our ‘boys’. In between getting sick and having extra kids in the house, it has been a little difficult. However, yesterday I enlisted the help of the kindergarten girl that I baby sit and we finished everything up!   We made them some cards and decorated some brown paper bags, which we put some goodies into. We put in some extra valentines to give to their friends, some stickers, and to my older boys I put in some basketball trading cards as well. I also, wrote a short letter briefly describing what valentines day is and why we celebrate it. I put this verse in my note as well : 1 John 4:7 “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” They won’t get these letters before Valentines day, but hopefully close to it! Have you sent some Valentines things to your sponsor child? What kinds of things did you send? Have a grea...

Words For Your Weekend

I’m going to start a new series. Every Friday, I will have some encouraging words for you to take with you for the weekend. They will be a variety of sayings/passages from various places, but all centered on one theme: living a life for Christ. On to today’s edition of “words for your weekend!”   Boldness – being willing and eager to face hardship with a sense of confidence and fearlessness . Being a Christian doesn’t make a person popular with the world. God gives all that we need to stand up and be counted for Him even if those around us don’t get it or even oppose us. Psalm 128:3 – When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted. (NIV) “Lord, give me opportunities today that will require boldness on my part- and then give me the boldness to respond to whatever opportunities come my way.” - This was taken from a day planner made by Bible League of Canada. You can visit their website at - I hope that this encourages you to b...

More love from Honduras!

  This is what the weather looks like in Southern Manitoba. Today it is 0 degrees and sunny, so the little bit of snow that we do have is almost gone. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be + 7! This is NOT normal at all for us! We are used to Large snow drifts and – 40 wind chills. So for me, to have spring in January is kinda depressing. But, when I went to the mail today, I had a wonderful surprise! First of all, there were no bills! That is awesome and amazing in itself. Second of all, I had a sweet letter from my little Alejandro in Honduras waiting for me! Here is a bit of what he said: “Hello dear Andrea and Timothy Sawatzky, how are you? I hope that you are doing very well and I hope that God pours a lot of blessings are you and you are. It is a great joy for me to write you. I take this pen and paper to tell you that he (Alejandro) is doing very well at kindergarten. He says that he likes to go to the child development centre because he learns a lot of biblical verses. He than...