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Hooray, It's Friday!

What a week it's been! The beginning went really smooth, nothing too crazy was going on which is a nice way to start the week. Yesterday however was a different story...
      To start my day I had all of the kids that I babysit (I don't usually have them all on the same day). The one child is new so I have to remind her often about the rules in my home. I'm sure that will change soon as she learns them, the first couple times are usually rough then it gets better. My daughter got pink eye on Wednesday so I was dealing with that and if my day wasn't crazy enough, my son gets the flu! My children hardly ever get sick and I was talking to my girlfriend on Tuesday and I made a comment about how we hardly ever get sick here and wow did I jinx myself. My son had been cranky all day but I just thought that he was teething ( babies are always teething!). So when he woke from his afternoon nap I went to get him. The first thing that that greeted me as I walked into his room was an awful stench. Yup, you guessed it, He threw up all over himself and his crib! Woo hoo!! So now I have to make sure that he other children in my home are taken care of and I stick him in the tub while I run downstairs to start the laundry. So finally he's all cleaned up and I sit him in the high chair give him some snacks. He's sitting there happily drinking his water, it's all good right? Nope! I take him out and yup he pukes all over me! Wow! Fantastic! But OK, I can deal with this. I'm his mom so it really doesn't bug me as much. Besides, moms are often puked on, spit on, peed on. You name, it we get it. So round two of clean up. An hour later, not vomit but diarrhea instead. Oh my, is it gonna end? Yes I'm sure it will, hopefully soon.
So far nothing has happened since then but mind you it's still early in the day, anything can happen.
     So my plan today is to relax and take it as it comes. I have no major projects that I want or need to get done except to write Easter letters to my sponsor children. I wanted to mail them by today so they would get there for sure by Easter, but after the week I've had I'll cut myself some slack. So my new goal is to get them in the mail this weekend so they can go out first thing Monday morning. I'm sure I should be able to accomplish that. Besides, I've already written two letters so I just have one more to write and then to pack some goodies for them and mail it off.
         So if you sponsor a child and want to send them an Easter letter, I would suggest doing it soon so that they will get it close to Easter. It usually takes 2 months or so for them to get a letter. That's something that I often forget to keep in mind. But mind you, I'm still new at this sponsorship stuff so I'll get the hang of it soon!!
    I hope you all have a great weekend!!

God Bless!

* Andrea *


Tiffany said…
Poor Gabriel! Hope he feels better soon!
*Andrea* said…
He seems to be alot better today. No accidents so far!

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