I have had a busy week. Actually my daughter has been the busy in my week. I don’t know if she’s going through a phase or what, but she has not been herself lately and It’s been difficult. She has been very mischievous lately and getting into things that she doesn’t normally get into. Maybe it’s because I have been doing a bit more babysitting than normal. Yea, that could be it. Well let’s just add it to one more stage in this roller coaster ride called ‘parenting’.
I have been thinking back lately on life before my kids. You know, when the house would never get dirty and you wanted kids to come over so you had something to clean up. Or, Saturday mornings when my husband would sleep til noon and I was SOOOOOO bored. Oh How I wished for a kid to keep me occupied. I used to bang around and make lots of noise just hoping he would wake up! Or, when I would go shopping and there would be no one to say “mommy I have to pee” and you wouldn’t have to search for a bathroom, hoping to make it before she peed her pants! Ahhh… those were the days.
However, my daydreaming must end now, as I hear reality calling…
I have been thinking back lately on life before my kids. You know, when the house would never get dirty and you wanted kids to come over so you had something to clean up. Or, Saturday mornings when my husband would sleep til noon and I was SOOOOOO bored. Oh How I wished for a kid to keep me occupied. I used to bang around and make lots of noise just hoping he would wake up! Or, when I would go shopping and there would be no one to say “mommy I have to pee” and you wouldn’t have to search for a bathroom, hoping to make it before she peed her pants! Ahhh… those were the days.
However, my daydreaming must end now, as I hear reality calling…