This has been a very difficult year for me. I turned 35 this year and I feel like I'm in the middle of a mid-life crisis. I have been trying to 'find' myself again. For the last 12 years I have pretty much had things figured out but this year when my youngest started grade 2, it felt like my whole life tipped over. Now, there wasn't any outward tragedy that I went through, no, it was more of an emotional, internal struggle that has been taking place. Realizing that my family doesn't need me the same way, but they still need me. Having a lot more free time and not knowing how to fill it, actually, to say that I didn't want to do my domestic chores to fill my time would be more accurate. So many decisions were suddenly available to me, decisions I hadn't considered in years. "Do I get a job? Full or part time? What kind of job? Do I go to school - just take some courses or get a degree? What kind of courses/degree? Do we have the money for me to go t...
Just a mom, sharing what's on her heart.