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Showing posts from June, 2011

Where There is Mud…

…Speechless. Messy. But, oh so gooey. *Andrea*

A Quest For Contentment

    I am beginning a quest. Care to join me? In this quest, I hope to find many things but most of all I hope to find contentment. You see, I currently am not content. Not even a little bit. I’m also needing peace. Peace and Quiet. The kind that you don’t get when your kids are small and your house is trashed. Yes, my house is a disaster. I just get it cleaned up, and then 5 minutes later you would never know that it took me an hour to clean it. Take last night for instance, I put my kids to bed and then I spent a good hour and vacuumed and washed my floors. I thought it was a brilliant idea, doing it after the kids were in bed. However, I forgot about the dog. My dog is as messy as my kids. She leaves her toys everywhere, and she also sheds so I have to keep on top of that too. So, this morning when I woke up, I vacuumed again. Anyway, back to my quest for contentment. I have been feeling lately that I would like to do something (anything!) different. I’m not sure wha...

A Fun Summer Weekend…

We had a couple of things that we did this past weekend. First, Arielle had a baseball ‘jamboree’ on Friday, where they played a baseball game and also they did some different tests (?) to see who could throw the farthest, bat the farthest, run the fastest, etc. Afterwards, all of the kids received medals and t-shirts. It was a really fun time for her. Also, on Saturday, there was a fair in a town nearby that we went to. It was a lot of fun. There was a little of everything…                                               Clowns on Stilts…                                      ...

Fabulous Fours?

   Today I need to vent a little, So please bear with me. Lately, I have been having some trouble with my four year old. She has that terrible-two attitude but more extreme. I thought that with her being four, we would be past some of her busy stages of life but they are only beginning again it seems. Every day, my biggest struggle with myself is keeping my frustration under control. She just does so many odd things! Things that don’t make any sense. She knows better, so why does she do them? I just don’t understand her right now, and that’s what frustrates me the most I think. I have to keep reminding myself that she’s testing the boundaries and she’s also learning a lot in this stage that were going through. So, as her mom, I need to try to be more understanding and hang on to every ounce of patience I have left! That’s what I will continue to do. I will also continue to thank God for blessing me with her, even when we go through these difficult times. On the other hand wh...

Mind My Manners

It just occurred to me. I can be a strict person when it comes to please and thank you and I don’t think I ever said thank you to those of you who read my blog. So… THANK YOU, VERY, VERY MUCH!! I’m so excited each day when I check the stats on my blog and I see that people have checked it out that day. I don’t have a Huge fan base, (not even really big, if you want to get technical) but I really appreciate each and every one of you that takes the time out of your busy day, to read what I have written that day.  It makes my day just knowing that some people find my blog interesting. Thank you again. I received a very complimentary phone call today. A lady from Compassion Canada called me and she mentioned that she had received an email from head office regarding a question I had. In that email, the person had said very positive things about my blog. That was very exciting for me. I never in my dreams imagined someone from Compassion head office taking an interest in my blog. I’m no...

Busy little daydreams

    I have had a busy week. Actually my daughter has been the busy in my week. I don’t know if she’s going through a phase or what, but she has not been herself lately and It’s been difficult. She has been very mischievous lately and getting into things that she doesn’t normally get into. Maybe it’s because I have been doing a bit more babysitting than normal. Yea, that could be it. Well let’s just add it to one more stage in this roller coaster ride called ‘parenting’. I have been thinking back lately on life before my kids. You know, when the house would never get dirty and you wanted kids to come over so you had something to clean up. Or, Saturday mornings when my husband would sleep til noon and I was SOOOOOO bored. Oh How I wished for a kid to keep me occupied. I used to bang around and make lots of noise just hoping he would wake up! Or, when I would go shopping and there would be no one to say “mommy I have to pee” and you wouldn’t have to search for a bathroom, ...

Photo post

So, I was gonna write a nice long post today, but then I remembered that I had a bunch of cute pictures in my camera just waiting to be displayed. So, enjoy… I couldn’t think of a cute saying for each picture, cause It would take me a long time. I’m just not witty like that. But, I hope you enjoyed the pics! Have a great day!!

… Change Me, Lord

  I have had this prayer/verse in my mind a lot lately, so I thought I’d share it with you. Romans 7:15 “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. (vs.17-20)As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.  I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do;no, the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.” I am not who I want to be lord… so please…   Change me.

To Change a Life…

   I’m sure most of you who read my blog often know how I feel about Compassion international. So this week while the group is out in the Philippines, I have been following their blogs. I really enjoy reading them and learning about how people live out there. I love reading about how Compassion is working there and what they are doing to change lives. I love reading about the hope that sponsored children have. They are taught about Christ and the hope that he provides so graciously to us all. I love reading about how there is no self-pity out there. I just love reading about the experiences and the stories that they share. I’m so happy that we sponsor through Compassion and I’m encouraged to do more. But then I read the sad stories. Not the ones about their living conditions (though they are sad), but the stories about the ‘sponsored’ children who have not received a letter from their sponsor, either in a long time or in some cases … Never .     ...